26 December 2016

Have you noticed how often you hear the words "change the world"? It seems to be what everyone's trying to do, and it's become fashionable. Every start-up company...every university program...every charity...every church...every new idea... In fact, though, the world changes -- for better and for worse -- constantly. It always has, and it always will. No matter what we do, we're changing the world. Every action we take changes the world in some way.

Perhaps setting out to "change the world" is like trying to boil the ocean. It is unlikely that Steve Jobs set out to change the world when he developed the iPod. Rather, he probably decided to aggressively pursue an idea that he had. It is unlikely that Sergei Brin and Larry Page intended to change the world when they developed the Google search engine. Rather, they probably decided to aggressively pursue an idea they had.

You don't change the world by trying to change the world. You make it better it by doing the best you can within your sphere of influence.

你曾经注意过多么人说“改变世界”? 好像这是大家的目的,而且变得流行。什么初创公司,什么大学节目,什么公益事业,什么教会,什么新的主意... 实际上,我们的世界不断地改变 -- 有时是好转,有时是坏转。一向都是这样,以及永远会这样。无论我们做什么,我们就在改变本世界。我们每一个动作的效果就是改变世界。

于是,定一个“我要改变世界”的目标可能像试着把海洋煮起来。当Steve Jobs开发了iPod时,他大概没有计划改变世界;他而是选择了积极地追逐他的主意。当Sergei Brin和Larry Page开发了Google的搜索殷勤是,他们大概没有打算改变世界;他们而是决定了积极地追逐他们的主意。


03 November 2016

I just sat through a 40-min webinar presented by one of the world's largest independent software vendors. They were presenting on a break-through product that promises to simplify business and IT. But their solution came across as complex -- very wordy slides combined with very wordy narration.

System integrators are often like this, too. There's not much to differentiate them when it comes to, for example, ERP services. So how do you decide which one to choose as your partner?

You can ask the prospective partner "Why should I choose you?" or "What makes your approach better than the others'?" Ultimately, though, it probably comes down to how the prospective partner articulates their solution -- the way they present it suggests the way they'll deliver it.
  • Are they wordy and is their presentation complex?
  • Do they bring a bunch of people to the meeting with nebulous titles?
  • Is there disagreement between their representatives on some points?
This may well indicate the way they'll approach a work-transition and the ultimate delivery.
  • Are they succinct and do they lay out their solution with few words, presenting mainly with images and few slides?
  • Are you able to process/grasp their solution as they present vs. telling yourself you'll have to sit down later and review the slides to "get it"?
  • Does it make sense to you?
Chances are, then, that their approach is sufficiently well thought-out and simple to be effectively and successfully executed.

Simplicity is the ultimate elegance.

03 October 2016

If your profession is sales, regardless of the type of product you sell, you're actually selling safety. That's what people want: to make a decision that will make them feel safe. Safe from being told by a superior that they paid too much for what they bought. Safe from spending too much money and not having enough left for other things. Safe from feeling, after the purchase, that they didn't do enough due diligence and could actually have bought something better.

Si vous êtes vendeur/commercial, peu importe votre produit, en fin de compte ce que vous vendez c'est la sécurité. C'est ça que les gens veulent: prendre une decision qui les permet de se sentir à l'aise. A l'aise par rapport à un chef qui insiste qu'ils ont trop payé pour ce qu'ils ont acheté. A l'aise par rapport à avoir dépensé trop d'argent au point de ne plus en avoir assez pour obtenir d'autres choses. A l'aise par rapport aux regrettes qui peuvent surgir, apres avoir fait un achat important, de ne pas avoir entrepris suffisament de diligence là-dessus et d'avoir pu acheter quelque chose de meilleur.

Si trabaja como vendedor, poco importa su producto, lo que Ud. vende es la seguridad. Pues es lo que más desea la gente: tomar una decision que les permita sentirse seguro. A salvo de las críticas de un jefe que se queje de que pagaron caro al comprar algo. A salvo de gastar demasiado dinero y luego no tener suficiente para obtener otras cosas. A salvo de sentir, después de hacer una compra importante, que no la evaluaron a fondo y que pudieran haber comprado algo mejor.


19 September 2016

This week's thought...

En la vida profesional, lo que deberíamos buscar a hacer no es ganar la más grande cantidad de dinero posible sino aplicar y aprovechar de nuestros talentos al máximo grado posible. Esto es, teniendo en cuenta mi propia experiencia, lo que más nos hace sentir satisfechos en el empleo a largo plazo.

Dans la vie professionelle, ce que l'on devrait chercher à faire n'est pas de gagner la plus grande quantité d'argent possible, sinon d'appliquer et profiter au maximum de ses propres talents. C'est ainsi que l'on peut jouir de la plus grande satisfaction dans son emploi à longue terme.
