Most every CIO I know is operating pedal-to-the-metal....maxed endless meetings....more often than not in urgent mode. But does it have to be this way? Yes, technology is changing faster than ever. Yes, there are more demands on the C-suite's technology SPOC than ever. Yes, the tech-based threats to a company are more insidious than ever. Yes, "job security" is an oxymoron now more than ever.
One thing CIOs can do to start improving the situation: Lock onto a company that can be your trusted technology partner, then treat them like one. Jettison any master-slave attitude. Tap into the partner's ingenuity. Ask them "What would you do in this situation?" Throw them tough questions and watch how they respond. I work for such an SI and we love getting challenged by CIOs for new solutions, even when our suggestions aren't taken.
Opening up to and trusting an SI partner that is eager to delight and has a track record of doing so is a key way to work more strategically and enjoy greater success in the CIO role.